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603 Toorak Rd
Toorak, Victoria



Welcome to JMK

John Mackenzie Kindergarten (JMK) is a community kindergarten offering both three and four-year old preschool programs. Located in Toorak, JMK consists of over 80 children and associated families. We are situated in a peaceful and leafy setting with a bright northern aspect and share the wonderful grounds with the Toorak Uniting Church.

JMK’s teachers are highly experienced, warm and caring and the playrooms are interactive and always evolving. The newly renovated outdoor garden and play area consists of an engaging range of both passive and active play equipment to suit all pursuits.

JMK is managed by a Director and Committee of parent volunteers. JMK prides itself on the active participation of Educators and families at all levels of its operation to create a nurturing environment which provides every child with the best chance to develop to their full potential.

In 2024 JMK was rated as Exceeding (the highest ranking) the National Quality Standard on all seven areas of the National Quality Framework, as assessed by the Department of Education and Training Victoria. These include:

  1. Educational Program and Practice

  2. Children’s Health and Safety

  3. Physical Environment

  4. Staffing Arrangements

  5. Relationships with Children

  6. Collaborative Partnerships with Families and Communities

  7. Governance and Leadership