Enrolment Application
Application Procedure
1. We welcome you to complete a tour of JMK. Please email mail@jmkinder.com.au to arrange an appointment with our Director.
2. Please complete the Application for Enrolment Form (applications accepted from birth).
3. Pay the $60 non-refundable Application Fee via EFT (details on form).
4. Upon receipt of your Application of Enrolment form and Application Fee, your child/ren's name will be placed on our waitlist in order of receipt of enrolment.
5. Offers will be made to parents via email in July/August prior to the year of commencement.
JMK strictly enforces the State Government’s No Job No Play laws. As such, all children are to be age-appropriate immunised before commencement can be confirmed.
Further information on immunisation requirements for enrolment in early childhood services, including how to access your child’s most recent immunisation History Statement, is available on the State Government’s Better Health Channel at https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/campaigns/no-jab-no-play
Families may view JMK's full Enrolment and Orientation Policy outlining eligibility criteria here.