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603 Toorak Rd
Toorak, Victoria



Our Kindergarten vegetable patch

At JMK, sustainability and environmental awareness are a key part of our program. We recognise that learning about the impact we have on our environment should be a central part of our philosophy, and empower our children to find small but important ways they can have a real impact on the environmental impact of our kindergarten.

  • 'Naked Lunches' (lunches with minimal to no packaging) are strongly encouraged, and are a key part of our philosophy.

  • Through the use of the 'Bokashi One' compost bins we are teaching our children about the positive effects of composting. 

  • We have a healthy vegetable garden that our children take care of, allowing them to explore our relationship with food.  

  • We strongly encourage sustainable water usage, through the use of our 'push taps' in the children's bathroom, and our rainwater tank.

  • Recycling with VISY

  • Passive solar techniques used through the use of adjustable outside shades.

  • John Mackenzie Kindergarten offers a number of experiences within our programs to foster children’s learning about the environment such as Earth Hour, Nature Play Week, Walk to School Day and many more