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603 Toorak Rd
Toorak, Victoria


Our Community

Community Involvement  

Kindergarten is a special time for you and your child. JMK values parent participation and believes it is important for children’s development to have collaboration between home and kindergarten.

There are many ways in which parents and families can help at kindergarten:

  • attending excursions;

  • laundry roster;

  • participating in the daily program, for example, sharing an interest or skill with the children such as cooking, reading or craft;

  • maintenance working bees; and / or

  • joining the committee.

Class Representatives 

Being a Class Representative is a fun and enjoyable way of being involved in the JMK community. Class representatives play an important role communicating class news between teachers and parents. They are also required to organise class social events, distribute class lists, assist with material requests for classroom activities and to liaise with the Social Committee on events for the kindergarten.

Social Functions

JMK has a very active Social Committee that coordinates all social events. This parent run group helps create a positive, welcoming environment for our community.  Previous popular activities include the JMK Welcome Cocktail Function, Easter Picnic, Auction Trivia Night, Mother’s Lunch, Dad & Kids Pizza Night and the wonderful Christmas Concert. The Social Committee also assists staff with curriculum events such as Football Day and Grandparents Day.


The JMK community aims to raise money each year to fund kindergarten improvements. Your child will benefit from your hard work and participation. The more people involved the more we can accomplish!

The focus changes annually with our major fundraising function held every second year. Over recent years funds raised have allowed us to upgrade the playground and build 'The Studio' - an outdoor classroom and play environment so the children can enjoy the outdoors all year round. 
